Expanding markup support for Organization details, including Logo structured data
Since 2013, Google has supported logo structured data, which recognizes two Organization fields: logo and url. Today we’re expanding our support for organizational information by extracting additional administrative data such as name, address, contact information, and various business identifiers. You can continue to provide the logo and url fields to specify which image we use […]
New in structured data: discussion forum and profile page markup
Today we’re announcing support for profile page and discussion forum structured data for use in Google Search, including new reports in Search Console. This markup works with Google Search features that are designed to show first-person perspectives from social media platforms, forums, and other communities.
Upcoming deprecation of Crawl Rate Limiter Tool in Search Console
The crawl rate limiter tool in Search Console is being deprecated on Jan 8th, 2024. This tool has been available for over a decade, but with the improvements we’ve made to our crawling logic and other tools available to publishers, its usefulness has dissipated.
L’importance du N-gramme en SEO
Noiise Ressources SEO L’importance du N-gramme en SEO 22 novembre 2023 – Séverine Pascal Mousselard SEO Les n-grammes en français (ou ngram en anglais) présentent un certain intérêt en SEO. Ils permettent notamment l’analyse des tendances de recherche et l’optimisation de contenu en fonction des combinaisons de mots-clés les plus pertinentes. Quel mot choisir entre […]
Search Quality Raters Guidelines update
As of November 16, Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines have been updated to simplify our guidelines. As a reminder, these guidelines are what are used by our search raters to help evaluate the performance of our various search ranking systems, and their ratings don’t directly influence ranking.
Paywall SEO : Quelle stratégie adopter ?
Noiise Ressources SEO Paywall SEO: Quelle stratégie adopter? 15 novembre 2023 – Quentin Brizard Content MarketingSEO En tant qu’éditeur ou créateur de contenu, il est nécessaire de trouver l’équilibre parfait entre trafic et revenus pour pérenniser son site. Si les revenus publicitaires “non-intrusifs” ne sont pas à la hauteur de ce que vous attendez, vous […]
Améliorez votre SEO avec l’A/B Testing : stratégies gagnantes et bonnes pratiques
Noiise Ressources SEO Améliorez votre SEO avec l’A/B Testing : stratégies gagnantes et bonnes pratiques 16 novembre 2023 – Alexandre Faure SEO Dans le monde digital d’aujourd’hui, beaucoup d’entreprises et de départements marketing sont confrontés à des défis majeurs. Le premier et le plus essentiel d’entre eux sera souvent : comment être visible ? Nous […]
List your courses with new course info structured data
As people continue to search for courses on Google, the desire for more detailed course information has grown. Today, we are announcing a new set of recommendations to provide course structured data to Google. Publishers now have the opportunity to surface supplemental course information on Google Search by providing detailed information like pricing, educational level, […]
Search Central Live Singapore 2023
We’re excited to announce that Search Central Live Singapore is coming back this year again on November 22. As usual, the event is hosted by the Google Search team and we’re looking forward to bringing together the community to learn, share, and network.
A Q&A on Google Search updates
Google Search regularly updates our search ranking systems to ensure we’re showing the most relevant, helpful content that we can. We’ve had a series of notable updates we’ve shared about in the past few weeks, and we have two for this month. Given this, it’s a good time to share some reminders in a Q&A […]