New « Whiffy Recon » Malware Triangulates Infected Device Location via Wi-Fi Every Minute

The SmokeLoader malware is being used to deliver a new Wi-Fi scanning malware strain called Whiffy Recon on compromised Windows machines. « The new malware strain has only one operation. Every 60 seconds it triangulates the infected systems’ positions by scanning nearby Wi-Fi access points as a data point for Google’s geolocation API, » Secureworks Counter Threat Unit (CTU) said in […]

WinRAR Security Flaw Exploited in Zero-Day Attacks to Target Traders

A recently patched security flaw in the popular WinRAR archiving software has been exploited as a zero-day since April 2023, new findings from Group-IB reveal. The vulnerability, cataloged as CVE-2023-38831, allows threat actors to spoof file extensions, thereby making it possible to launch malicious scripts contained within an archive that masquerades as seemingly innocuous image or […]

13 Best Lightweight Desktop Environments for Linux in 2023

The post 13 Best Lightweight Desktop Environments for Linux in 2023 first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides . The word Open Source can be attributed to the Linux community which brought it into existence along with the introduction of Linux (successor of then-existing The post 13 Best Lightweight Desktop Environments for Linux […]

Thousands of Unpatched Openfire XMPP Servers Still Exposed to High-Severity Flaw

Thousands of Openfire XMPP servers are unpatched against a recently disclosed high-severity flaw and are susceptible to a new exploit, according to a new report from VulnCheck. Tracked as CVE-2023-32315 (CVSS score: 7.5), the vulnerability relates to a path traversal vulnerability in Openfire’s administrative console that could permit an unauthenticated attacker to access otherwise restricted

SASE : peut-on faire avec un seul fournisseur ?

Vers qui se tourner pour une offre SASE monofournisseur ? Gartner liste huit offreurs dans son Magic Quadrant.

Le Rugged Case de Nomad permet de relooker son Apple Watch en une Apple Watch Ultra

Alors que beaucoup attendent les nouveaux modèles de smartwatches d’Apple, Nomad dévoile son tout dernier accessoire dédié à l’Apple Watch.

How to Install and Setup Zsh (Z Shell) in Fedora

The post How to Install and Setup Zsh (Z Shell) in Fedora first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides . The command-line interface is a powerful tool for interacting with your Linux system to perform various tasks efficiently. The default shell in many Linux distributions, The post How to Install and Setup Zsh […]

Entraîné par la vague de l’IA, Nvidia annonce des résultats en forte hausse

L’engouement autour du leader des processeurs graphiques et puces d’intelligence artificielle Nvidia ne retombe pas. Après avoir vu sa valeur…

Chrome copie Safari sur l’iPhone et descend sa barre de navigation !

L’année dernière, quand Apple avait déplacé la barre de navigation de Safari (via une beta d’iOS 16), cela avait soulevé tant de protestations que la firme avait été contrainte de proposer une option pour la remettre en haut !

How to Open, Extract and Create RAR Files in Linux

The post How to Open, Extract and Create RAR Files in Linux first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides . RAR files, a common compressed file format, are widely used to store and share large amounts of data efficiently. While Linux natively supports various compression The post How to Open, Extract and Create […]

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