Logiciel libre : le film « Ada & Zangemann » sort le 8 octobre

Un article signé GOODTECH.info Le livre illustré « Ada & Zangemann – A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream (Une histoire de logiciels, de skateboards et de glace à la framboise) » a connu un petit succès. La FSF Europe a décliné […] L’article Logiciel libre : le film « Ada & Zangemann » […]

Android 14 Adds New Security Features to Block 2G Exploits and Baseband Attacks

Google has revealed the various security guardrails that have been incorporated into its latest Pixel devices to counter the rising threat posed by baseband security attacks. The cellular baseband (i.e., modem) refers to a processor on the device that’s responsible for handling all connectivity, such as LTE, 4G, and 5G, with a mobile phone cell […]

Avez-vous 100 000 dollars pour ce Mac ?

Mieux qu’un diamant ou de la pierre. Certains considèrent l’acquisition d’un produit vintage Apple, comme un véritable investissement financier. Aussi, il n’est pas rare d’assister à des surenchères délirantes pour certains produits, portant ou pas la marque de Steve Jobs.

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

For years, securing a company’s systems was synonymous with securing its “perimeter.” There was what was safe “inside” and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within […]

New Perfctl Malware Targets Linux Servers for Cryptocurrency Mining and Proxyjacking

Linux servers are the target of an ongoing campaign that delivers a stealthy malware dubbed perfctl with the primary aim of running a cryptocurrency miner and proxyjacking software. « Perfctl is particularly elusive and persistent, employing several sophisticated techniques, » Aqua security researchers Assaf Morag and Idan Revivo said in a report shared with The Hacker News. […]

North Korean Hackers Using New VeilShell Backdoor in Stealthy Cyber Attacks

Threat actors with ties to North Korea have been observed delivering a previously undocumented backdoor and remote access trojan (RAT) called VeilShell as part of a campaign targeting Cambodia and likely other Southeast Asian countries. The activity, dubbed SHROUDED#SLEEP by Securonix, is believed to be the handiwork of APT37, which is also known as InkySquid, […]

Apple veut révolutionner l’autonomie et la gestion de la batterie de l’iPhone

L’autonomie des iPhone a toujours été une question cruciale pour Apple et ses utilisateurs. Mais depuis quelques années -peut-être sous la contrainte ou la concurrence-, la firme fait des efforts que l’on retrouve dans iOS 18 !

INTERPOL Arrests 8 in Major Phishing and Romance Fraud Crackdown in West Africa

INTERPOL has announced the arrest of eight individuals in Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria as part of a crackdown on phishing scams and romance cyber fraud. Dubbed Operation Contender 2.0, the initiative is designed to tackle cyber-enabled crimes in West Africa, the agency said. One such threat involved a large-scale phishing scam targeting Swiss citizens that […]

{ Tribune Expert } – Gestion de la cybersécurité en entreprise : c’est le rôle de chacun !

Le profil traditionnel de l’expert en cybersécurité, autrefois isolé de la direction générale et perçu comme un mal nécessaire constamment en quête de financement, appartient désormais au passé.

Le pourcentage d’enfants de 12 ans avec un smartphone est dingue

En 2024, l’adoption du smartphone chez les préadolescents atteint des sommets. Une étude récente révèle que 90% des enfants âgés de 12 ans possèdent déjà un téléphone portable. Un chiffre impressionnant, mais qui ne vous surprendra peut-être pas.

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