iPhone 15 Pro : le redémarrage forcé possible via le bouton Action

Qui l’aurait cru ? Le grand débat du moment concernant l’iPhone 15 est donc une histoire de boutons, entre le bouton volume unifié et le bouton Action façon Apple Watch Ultra.

Shipping and Returns information on Google Search web results

Google Search now shows an expanded display of shipping and return information on Google Search text results for merchant sites. We’re also making it easier to monitor and fix the structured data required to enable this display using the Search Console Shopping reports and tools.

Simplifying video presentation on Google Search Results

Videos can appear in several different places on Google, including the main search results page, and video search results. Today we’re making changes to one of the ways videos appear in search results. This will make it easier for users to understand what content to expect on a web page.

Google Uncovers APT41’s Use of Open Source GC2 Tool to Target Media and Job Sites

A Chinese nation-state group targeted an unnamed Taiwanese media organization to deliver an open source red teaming tool known as Google Command and Control (GC2) amid broader abuse of Google’s infrastructure for malicious ends. The tech giant’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) attributed the campaign to a threat actor it tracks under the geological and geographical-themed moniker HOODOO, which is

Tour of the Underground: Master the Art of Dark Web Intelligence Gathering

The Deep, Dark Web – The Underground – is a haven for cybercriminals, teeming with tools and resources to launch attacks for financial gain, political motives, and other causes. But did you know that the underground also offers a goldmine of threat intelligence and information that can be harnessed to bolster your cyber defense strategies? […]

L’App d’écriture Ulysses permet de faire des croquis sur iPad et iPhone

L’application d’écriture Ulysses propose depuis peu une mise à jour apportant des fonctionnalités intéressantes sur iPhone, iPad et Mac.

Vice Society Ransomware Using Stealthy PowerShell Tool for Data Exfiltration

Threat actors associated with the Vice Society ransomware gang have been observed using a bespoke PowerShell-based tool to fly under the radar and automate the process of exfiltrating data from compromised networks. « Threat actors (TAs) using built-in data exfiltration methods like [living off the land binaries and scripts] negate the need to bring in external tools that might […]

New Zaraza Bot Credential-Stealer Sold on Telegram Targeting 38 Web Browsers

A novel credential-stealing malware called Zaraza bot is being offered for sale on Telegram while also using the popular messaging service as a command-and-control (C2). « Zaraza bot targets a large number of web browsers and is being actively distributed on a Russian Telegram hacker channel popular with threat actors, » cybersecurity company Uptycs said in a report published last week. « Once the

Une mise à jour majeure pour Farrago, l’utilitaire audio de Rogue Amoeba

L’éditeur Rogue Amoeba, bien connu des bidouilleurs de l’audio sur Mac et à qui l’on doit les excellents Audio Hijack, Loopback et Airfoil, propose une mise à jour majeure pour Farrago, son application permettant de déclencher simplement des effets sonores.

Le Mac Pro Apple Silicon sera-t-il convaincant ? Apple y croit !

L’utilisation de puces maison au sein des Mac a été un des derniers grands paris d’Apple, avec le succès que l’on connait. Il reste toutefois à en équiper la machine la plus puissante de la gamme, le Mac Pro.

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