Beyond Traditional Security: NDR’s Pivotal Role in Safeguarding OT Networks

Why is Visibility into OT Environments Crucial? The significance of Operational Technology (OT) for businesses is undeniable as the OT sector flourishes alongside the already thriving IT sector. OT includes industrial control systems, manufacturing equipment, and devices that oversee and manage industrial environments and critical infrastructures. In recent years, adversaries have recognized the

Lazarus Group Adds Linux Malware to Arsenal in Operation Dream Job

The notorious North Korea-aligned state-sponsored actor known as the Lazarus Group has been attributed to a new campaign aimed at Linux users. The attacks are part of a persistent and long-running activity tracked under the name Operation Dream Job, ESET said in a new report published today. The findings are crucial, not least because it marks the first publicly documented […]

Fortra Sheds Light on GoAnywhere MFT Zero-Day Exploit Used in Ransomware Attacks

Fortra, the company behind Cobalt Strike, shed light on a zero-day remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in its GoAnywhere MFT tool that has come under active exploitation by ransomware actors to steal sensitive data. The high-severity flaw, tracked as CVE-2023-0669 (CVSS score: 7.2), concerns a case of pre-authenticated command injection that could be abused to achieve code execution. The

ChatGPT’s Data Protection Blind Spots and How Security Teams Can Solve Them

In the short time since their inception, ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms have rightfully gained the reputation of ultimate productivity boosters. However, the very same technology that enables rapid production of high-quality text on demand, can at the same time expose sensitive corporate data. A recent incident, in which Samsung software engineers pasted proprietary code […]

Le MacBook Air 15″ aurait bien une puce M2 et non M3

D’après un des leakers du moment, le Coréen yeux1122, le MacBook Air 15 pouces -dont la sortie est attendu sous peu- devrait être équipé d’une puce M2, et non d’une M3, contrairement à ce qu’Apple avait prévu à l’origine.

Daggerfly Cyberattack Campaign Hits African Telecom Services Providers

Telecommunication services providers in Africa are the target of a new campaign orchestrated by a China-linked threat actor at least since November 2022. The intrusions have been pinned on a hacking crew tracked by Symantec as Daggerfly, and which is also tracked by the broader cybersecurity community as Bronze Highland and Evasive Panda. The campaign makes […]

NSO Group Used 3 Zero-Click iPhone Exploits Against Human Rights Defenders

Israeli spyware maker NSO Group deployed at least three novel « zero-click » exploits against iPhones in 2022 to infiltrate defenses erected by Apple and deploy Pegasus, according to the latest findings from Citizen Lab. « NSO Group customers widely deployed at least three iOS 15 and iOS 16 zero-click exploit chains against civil society targets around the […]

Pourquoi est-il essentiel que les PME s’intéresse à la protection des identités

Les cybercriminels sont conscients de la vulnérabilité des PME et de la valeur potentielle des données qu’elles détiennent. Il est par conséquent essentiel que les PME soient formées pour faire face aux menaces à venir et savoir s’en protéger.

Serveur NIS sous Rocky Linux 8

Sur les systèmes Red Hat Enterprise Linux et dérivés, il existe une série de solutions pour mettre en place une authentification centralisée. Les grands classiques comme FreeIPA ou 389 Directory Server sont de véritables usines à gaz, dont la configuration et le débogage peuvent s’avérer assez complexes. Avant d’attaquer ces bestiaux, nous allons faire un […]

10 Best Python IDEs to Use in 2023

The post 10 Best Python IDEs to Use in 2023 first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides . Python is a general-purpose programming language for building anything; from backend web development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence to scientific computing. It can also be used for developing productivity software, games, desktop apps, and The […]

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