5 Best PDF to Word Converters for Linux

The post 5 Best PDF to Word Converters for Linux first appeared on Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides . Portable Document Format or PDF is one of the most popular file formats, mainly due to its unified standard across platforms and devices, compatibility, The post 5 Best PDF to Word Converters for Linux first […]

New Android Malware ‘FluHorse’ Targeting East Asian Markets with Deceptive Tactics

Various sectors in East Asian markets have been subjected to a new email phishing campaign that distributes a previously undocumented strain of Android malware called FluHorse that abuses the Flutter software development framework. « The malware features several malicious Android applications that mimic legitimate applications, most of which have more than 1,000,000 installs, » Check Point said in

Sécurité renforcée pour MOSK 23.1 de Mirantis

Mirantis OpenStack pour Kubernetes (MOSK) 23.1 vient de sortir et renforce la sécurité d’OpenStack tout en améliorant l’expérience utilisateur : perfectionnements de sécurité significatifs et didacticiels destinés à faciliter sa prise en main. Mirantis OpenStack pour Kubernetes 23.1 (MOSK) comprend plusieurs améliorations de sécurité significatives qui limitent les risques de piratage de données et autres […]

Hackers Targeting Italian Corporate Banking Clients with New Web-Inject Toolkit DrIBAN

Italian corporate banking clients are the target of an ongoing financial fraud campaign that has been leveraging a new web-inject toolkit called drIBAN since at least 2019. « The main goal of drIBAN fraud operations is to infect Windows workstations inside corporate environments trying to alter legitimate banking transfers performed by the victims by changing the beneficiary and […]

N. Korean Kimsuky Hackers Using New Recon Tool ReconShark in Latest Cyberattacks

The North Korean state-sponsored threat actor known as Kimsuky has been discovered using a new reconnaissance tool called ReconShark as part of an ongoing global campaign. « [ReconShark] is actively delivered to specifically targeted individuals through spear-phishing emails, OneDrive links leading to document downloads, and the execution of malicious macros, » SentinelOne researchers Tom Hegel

Lack of Visibility: The Challenge of Protecting Websites from Third-Party Scripts

Third-party apps such as Google Analytics, Meta Pixel, HotJar, and JQuery have become critical tools for businesses to optimize their website performance and services for a global audience. However, as their importance has grown, so has the threat of cyber incidents involving unmanaged third-party apps and open-source tools. Online businesses increasingly struggle to maintain complete […]

Packagist Repository Hacked: Over a Dozen PHP Packages with 500 Million Compromised

PHP software package repository Packagist revealed that an « attacker » gained access to four inactive accounts on the platform to hijack over a dozen packages with over 500 million installs to date. « The attacker forked each of the packages and replaced the package description in composer.json with their own message but did not otherwise make any malicious changes, » […]

Google : les « passkeys », remèdes aux mots de passe ?

Les titulaires de comptes Google peuvent désormais utiliser des clés d’accès (passkeys), ce système d’authentification forte que promeut l’alliance FIDO.

Pour s’émanciper de Nvidia, Microsoft aide AMD à concevoir des puces d’intelligence artificielle

Dans la course à l’intelligence artificielle générative, Microsoft multiplie les pistes pour s’émanciper de Nvidia, qui lui fournit les cartes…

Brydge, l’accessoiriste pour iPad, cesse son activité

Brydge, spécialiste des accessoires pour iPad (mais aussi pour Mac), vient d’annoncer la cessation de ses activités, vraisemblablement pour des raisons économiques.

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