Intruder Launches Intel: A Free Vulnerability Intelligence Platform For Staying Ahead of the Latest Threats
When CVEs go viral, separating critical vulnerabilities from the noise is essential to protecting your organization. That’s why Intruder, a leader in attack surface management, built Intel – a free vulnerability intelligence platform designed to help you act fast and prioritize real threats. What is Intel? Intel was created to fill a gap in the […]
Chinese Hackers Use GHOSTSPIDER Malware to Hack Telecoms Across 12+ Countries
The China-linked threat actor known as Earth Estries has been observed using a previously undocumented backdoor called GHOSTSPIDER as part of its attacks targeting Southeast Asian telecommunications companies. Trend Micro, which described the hacking group as an aggressive advanced persistent threat (APT), said the intrusions also involved the use of another cross-platform backdoor dubbed
RomCom Exploits Zero-Day Firefox and Windows Flaws in Sophisticated Cyberattacks
The Russia-aligned threat actor known as RomCom has been linked to the zero-day exploitation of two security flaws, one in Mozilla Firefox and the other in Microsoft Windows, as part of attacks designed to deliver the eponymous backdoor on victim systems. « In a successful attack, if a victim browses a web page containing the exploit, […]
CISA Urges Agencies to Patch Critical « Array Networks » Flaw Amid Active Attacks
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Monday added a now-patched critical security flaw impacting Array Networks AG and vxAG secure access gateways to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog following reports of active exploitation in the wild. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-28461 (CVSS score: 9.8), concerns a case of missing authentication that
Comment maîtriser le SEO pour un site web performant ?
En matière de visibilité sur le web, le SEO (Search Engine Optimization), ou optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche, est devenu une nécessité incontournable pour toute entreprise ou organisation souhaitant se démarquer dans un environnement numérique ultra-concurrentiel. Mais de quoi s’agit-il exactement ? À
Bulletin d’actualité CERTFR-2024-ACT-051 (25 novembre 2024)
Ce bulletin d’actualité du CERT-FR revient sur les vulnérabilités significatives de la semaine passée pour souligner leurs criticités. Il ne remplace pas l’analyse de l’ensemble des avis et alertes publiés par le CERT-FR dans le cadre d’une analyse de risques pour prioriser l’application des…
Google’s New Restore Credentials Tool Simplifies App Login After Android Migration
Google has introduced a new feature called Restore Credentials to help users restore their account access to third-party apps securely after migrating to a new Android device. Part of Android’s Credential Manager API, the feature aims to reduce the hassle of re-entering the login credentials for every app during the handset replacement. « With Restore Credentials, […]
PyPI Python Library « aiocpa » Found Exfiltrating Crypto Keys via Telegram Bot
The administrators of the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository have quarantined the package « aiocpa » following a new update that included malicious code to exfiltrate private keys via Telegram. The package in question is described as a synchronous and asynchronous Crypto Pay API client. The package, originally released in September 2024, has been downloaded 12,100 times […]
{ Tribune Expert } – Le secret embarrassant de l’AppSec : seuls 44 % des développeurs suivent les bonnes pratiques de gestion des secrets
Bien que les organisations investissent massivement dans l’AppSec, elles peinent à créer des environnements propices à une gestion sécurisée des secrets. Seuls 44% des développeurs suivraient les bonnes pratiques de sécurité – non par négligence, mais parce que les systèmes et processus actuels privilégient souvent la vitesse à la sécurité.
Cybersecurity Blind Spots in IaC and PaC Tools Expose Cloud Platforms to New Attacks
Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed two new attack techniques against infrastructure-as-code (IaC) and policy-as-code (PaC) tools like HashiCorp’s Terraform and Open Policy Agent (OPA) that leverage dedicated, domain-specific languages (DSLs) to breach cloud platforms and exfiltrate data. « Since these are hardened languages with limited capabilities, they’re supposed to be more secure than