CERTFR-2023-ACT-021 : Bulletin d’actualité CERTFR-2023-ACT-021 (15 mai 2023)

Ce bulletin d’actualité du CERT-FR revient sur les vulnérabilités significatives de la semaine passée pour souligner leurs criticités. Il ne remplace pas …

Industrial Cellular Routers at Risk: 11 New Vulnerabilities Expose OT Networks

Several security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in cloud management platforms associated with three industrial cellular router vendors that could expose operational technology (OT) networks to external attacks. The findings were presented by Israeli industrial cybersecurity firm OTORIO at the Black Hat Asia 2023 conference last week. The 11 vulnerabilities allow « remote code execution and

New Ransomware Gang RA Group Hits U.S. and South Korean Organizations

A new ransomware group known as RA Group has become the latest threat actor to leverage the leaked Babuk ransomware source code to spawn its own locker variant. The cybercriminal gang, which is said to have been operating since at least April 22, 2023, is rapidly expanding its operations, according to cybersecurity firm Cisco Talos. « To date, […]

Why High Tech Companies Struggle with SaaS Security

It’s easy to think high-tech companies have a security advantage over other older, more mature industries. Most are unburdened by 40 years of legacy systems and software. They draw some of the world’s youngest, brightest digital natives to their ranks, all of whom consider cybersecurity issues their entire lives. Perhaps it is due to their […]

Researchers Uncover Powerful Backdoor and Custom Implant in Year-Long Cyber Campaign

Government, aviation, education, and telecom sectors located in South and Southeast Asia have come under the radar of a new hacking group as part of a highly-targeted campaign that commenced in mid-2022 and continued into the first quarter of 2023. Symantec, by Broadcom Software, is tracking the activity under its insect-themed moniker Lancefly, with the attacks […]

New ‘MichaelKors’ Ransomware-as-a-Service Targeting Linux and VMware ESXi Systems

A new ransomware-as-service (RaaS) operation called MichaelKors has become the latest file-encrypting malware to target Linux and VMware ESXi systems as of April 2023. The development points to cybercriminal actors increasingly setting their eyes on the ESXi, cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike said in a report shared with The Hacker News. « This trend is especially noteworthy given the fact […]

CLR SqlShell Malware Targets MS SQL Servers for Crypto Mining and Ransomware

Poorly managed Microsoft SQL (MS SQL) servers are the target of a new campaign that’s designed to propagate a category of malware called CLR SqlShell that ultimately facilitates the deployment of cryptocurrency miners and ransomware. « Similar to web shell, which can be installed on web servers, SqlShell is a malware strain that supports various features after being […]

Les banques russes mécontentes des nouvelles règles liées au VPN

Les banques russes sont mécontentes des nouvelles régles imposées par le gouvernement de Poutine. Les informations sur les services VPN doivent être transmises par courriel !

Le FBI a annoncé avoir neutralisé un virus du FSB

Le Bureau fédéral d’enquête des États-Unis annonce la neutralisation d’un code malveillant du nom de Snake. Le malware serait une arme numérique du FSB, le service de sécurité russe.

New Phishing-as-a-Service Platform Lets Cybercriminals Generate Convincing Phishing Pages

A new phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS or PaaS) platform named Greatness has been leveraged by cybercriminals to target business users of the Microsoft 365 cloud service since at least mid-2022, effectively lowering the bar to entry for phishing attacks. « Greatness, for now, is only focused on Microsoft 365 phishing pages, providing its affiliates with an attachment and link builder […]

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