NoviSpy Spyware Installed on Journalist’s Phone After Unlocking It With Cellebrite Tool

A Serbian journalist had his phone first unlocked by a Cellebrite tool and subsequently compromised by a previously undocumented spyware codenamed NoviSpy, according to a new report published by Amnesty International. « NoviSpy allows for capturing sensitive personal data from a target’s phone after infection and provides the ability to turn on the phone’s microphone or […]

Data Governance in DevOps: Ensuring Compliance in the AI Era

With the evolution of modern software development, CI/CD pipeline governance has emerged as a critical factor in maintaining both agility and compliance. As we enter the age of artificial intelligence (AI), the importance of robust pipeline governance has only intensified. With that said, we’ll explore the concept of CI/CD pipeline governance and why it’s vital, […]

New Glutton Malware Exploits Popular PHP Frameworks Like Laravel and ThinkPHP

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new PHP-based backdoor called Glutton that has been put to use in cyber attacks targeting China, the United States, Cambodia, Pakistan, and South Africa. QiAnXin XLab, which discovered the malicious activity in late April 2024, attributed the previously unknown malware with moderate confidence to the prolific Chinese nation-state group tracked […]

New Investment Scam Leverages AI, Social Media Ads to Target Victims Worldwide

Cybersecurity researchers are calling attention to a new kind of investment scam that leverages a combination of social media malvertising, company-branded posts, and artificial intelligence (AI) powered video testimonials featuring famous personalities, ultimately leading to financial and data loss. « The main goal of the fraudsters is to lead victims to phishing websites and forms that […]

La Russie renforce les restrictions sur les hébergeurs étrangers

Roskomnadzor a restreint l’accès à de nombreux hébergeurs étrangers pour non-conformité à la législation russe. AWS et GoDaddy viennent de rejoindre la liste des interdits. Roskomnadzor (RKN), l’autorité de régulation des communications en Russie, continue de durcir ses mesures contre les hébergeurs étrangers qui ne respectent pas les exigences de la loi dite « d’atterrissage […]

Massgrave : un crack ultime pour les licences Windows et Office ?

Le groupe de crackers Massgrave annonce avoir trouvé une méthode pour activer presque toutes les versions de Windows et Office, incluant des licences permanentes.

Cyberattaque contre la Banque centrale ougandaise : 16,8 millions de dollars volés

Des pirates ont infiltré la Banque centrale ougandaise, dérobant 16,8 millions de dollars. L’enquête en cours soulève des questions sur la cybersécurité et une possible collusion interne. La Banque centrale ougandaise a été victime d’une cyberattaque qui a conduit au vol de 16,8 millions de dollars (62 milliards de shillings ougandais). Le groupe de pirates, […]

Apple accusée de surveillance intrusive

Un employé d’Apple accuse l’entreprise de surveiller la vie privée de ses salariés via iCloud et des dispositifs intrusifs, soulevant un débat sur les droits numériques. Apple fait face à des accusations graves de la part de l’un de ses employés, Amar Bhakta, responsable de la publicité numérique depuis 2020. Ce dernier a déposé une […]

Ukrainian Minors Recruited for Cyber Ops and Reconnaissance in Russian Airstrikes

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU or SSU) has exposed a novel espionage campaign suspected to be orchestrated by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) that involves recruiting Ukrainian minors for criminal activities under the guise of « quest games. » Law enforcement officials said that it detained two FSB agent groups following a special operation in Kharkiv. […]

Germany Disrupts BADBOX Malware on 30,000 Devices Using Sinkhole Action

Germany’s Federal Office of Information Security (BSI) has announced that it has disrupted a malware operation called BADBOX that came preloaded on at least 30,000 internet-connected devices sold across the country. In a statement published earlier this week, authorities said they severed the communications between the devices and their command-and-control (C2) servers by sinkholing the […]

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