IA générative : les entreprises négligent-elles la sécurité ?

Au-delà de l’effervescence médiatique, quelles sont les réactions concrètes des entreprises face à la montée en popularité de l’IA générative ? Ont-elles réussi à trouver un équilibre entre les risques et les avantages qu’elle offre ?

SpyLoan Scandal: 18 Malicious Loan Apps Defraud Millions of Android Users

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered 18 malicious loan apps for Android on the Google Play Store that have been collectively downloaded over 12 million times. « Despite their attractive appearance, these services are in fact designed to defraud users by offering them high-interest-rate loans endorsed with deceitful descriptions, all while collecting their victims’ personal and

New PoolParty Process Injection Techniques Outsmart Top EDR Solutions

A new collection of eight process injection techniques, collectively dubbed PoolParty, could be exploited to achieve code execution in Windows systems while evading endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems. SafeBreach researcher Alon Leviev said the methods are « capable of working across all processes without any limitations, making them more flexible than existing process

SLAM Attack: New Spectre-based Vulnerability Impacts Intel, AMD, and Arm CPUs

Researchers from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam have disclosed a new side-channel attack called SLAM that could be exploited to leak sensitive information from kernel memory on current and upcoming CPUs from Intel, AMD, and Arm. The attack is an end-to-end exploit for Spectre based on a new feature in Intel CPUs called Linear Address Masking (LAM) as well as […]

Researchers Unveal GuLoader Malware’s Latest Anti-Analysis Techniques

Threat hunters have unmasked the latest tricks adopted by a malware strain called GuLoader in an effort to make analysis more challenging. « While GuLoader’s core functionality hasn’t changed drastically over the past few years, these constant updates in their obfuscation techniques make analyzing GuLoader a time-consuming and resource-intensive process, » Elastic Security Labs

New 5G Modems Flaws Affect iOS Devices and Android Models from Major Brands

A collection of security flaws in the firmware implementation of 5G mobile network modems from major chipset vendors such as MediaTek and Qualcomm impact USB and IoT modems as well as hundreds of smartphone models running Android and iOS. Of the 14 flaws – collectively called 5Ghoul (a combination of « 5G » and « Ghoul ») – 10 affect 5G […]

Une nouvelle fonction dans la blockchain Ethereum a conduit au vol de 60 millions de dollars

Create2, une nouvelle fonction dans la blockchain, a aidé les fraudeurs à contourner la sécurité d’Ethereum et à trouver une nouvelle source de revenus pour les hackers malveillants.

La Russie va perdre son .aero

Les compagnies de transport aérien russes se retrouvent dans une situation délicate depuis que SITA, la société suisse qui administre la zone de domaine de premier niveau de l’aviation internationale .aero, a décidé de bloquer l’accès à cette zone pour les clients de la Fédération de Russie.

N. Korean Kimsuky Targeting South Korean Research Institutes with Backdoor Attacks

The North Korean threat actor known as Kimsuky has been observed targeting research institutes in South Korea as part of a spear-phishing campaign with the ultimate goal of distributing backdoors on compromised systems. « The threat actor ultimately uses a backdoor to steal information and execute commands, » the AhnLab Security Emergency Response Center (ASEC) said in an

Ransomware-as-a-Service: The Growing Threat You Can’t Ignore

Ransomware attacks have become a significant and pervasive threat in the ever-evolving realm of cybersecurity. Among the various iterations of ransomware, one trend that has gained prominence is Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS). This alarming development has transformed the cybercrime landscape, enabling individuals with limited technical expertise to carry out devastating attacks.

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